Soft white dinner rolls (double batch)
5 teaspoons instant yeast
454g cool water
720g all-purpose flour
16g table salt
70g granulated sugar
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
56g nonfat dry milk
78g instant mashed potatoes
  1. Lightly grease two 9x13" pans.
  2. Combine the all of the ingredients and mix and knead in mixer until you've made a smooth dough, 5-7 minutes at second speed. The dough should barely clean the sides of the bowl, perhaps sticking a bit at the bottom.
  3. Divide dough into 32 pieces then form into balls (pinch bottom together and roll).
  4. Cover with greased plastic wrap, wrap in heavy duty foil, and put in the deep freeze immediately. Try not to open the freezer or anything.
  5. Remove from freezer 4-5 hours ahead of time. When they're nice and puffy, bake at 350° for about 25 minutes.
About freezing and baking.